November 08, 2008


Talking about marriage, i know i shouldn't think of this at the first place. But then i don't know it keep on popping on my head. I know i shouldn't turn out to this point. Frankly speaking.. Of course by the age of now.. You wouldn't think of getting married early and so fourth. And when a guy ask you by the age of berapa you're getting married? Straight away you'll say, "i'm gonna finish my studies taking degrees and master. Working and belanja parents sampai they're satisfied. Gonna have my own house. Straight after that if ada jodoh, then i'm gonna get married." those words. i'm just afraid i'm not gonna fulfill those dreams.those aims.those days. I'm just afraid how my life were. Growing old. Hair from black to white. (except for those who dye's their hair. *grgrr*) But by reaching the age of 25 and above.. and you're still in between of those dreams while your friends were all getting married.getting the invitations. I know you'd wonder when is that time? And those aims, might change because of those feelings kan kahwin and afraid of losing someone you loved. Fuhhhh.. So that's what we call life.

Moved on, today.. Went to college.. Books should be returned. And so i did this morning. After all settled.. Seeing friends that i usually share my laughter and sorrows and joy and gossips and tears.. has come to an end. I'm not gonna see those after this. Therefore i'm gonna miss that. From a pre-university to university. Thats our aims. So guys we'll gonna meet up in UBD next year, yes? Believe in yourself. You sure will.


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